Wednesday, November 10, 2010

a one-way ticket...

this is my life exploration

there has been so much that has lead me to question what life is, and although previously a 'self-help' junky, I have hit a point in my life where I think perhaps the traditional 'self-help' industry is somewhat questionable.

if it is SELF-HELP then what are we reading it for? the premise for this industry name doesn't make sense to me, as we are just reading someone else's idea of what to do - 'if it's worked for them, it will work for me' doesn't ring true.

I personally have nothing against the industry, but I think books like this shouldn't be viewed as an answer to the questions we are all thinking

so really I want to cut through the noise of self-help in my life - and make it so much simpler - to just follow my own voice, and not the 1000's of voices that are telling me how to do better, be better, get better, expect better.

you might say that in this way by writing about it, i am in fact writing my own 'self-help' blog for others - but that is not my intention. I just want to write about my life. maybe someone will find it interesting. maybe it will force me to make my life interesting

I have hit mid-thirties, and now begun to take a closer look at my life, and all the things I wanted to do when I was a child, and how this can somedays seem like a distant pipe dream...

I am by no means old, but the clock is ticking in many areas of my life, but still I don't want to grow up and get a real job. Maybe this is why the latest trend in self help books have appealed to me - the 4hour work week, and Art of NonConformity genre, that seems to offer a freedom from the traditional life.

this has seriously lead me to question my assumptions about life, on an additional level to what I had already questioned it having read Buddhism, and Stoic books, & explored the theories of quantum physics. but yet I still don't think their 'methods' offer any solution to my 'madness'

all of life is 'open to interpretation' this is simply my interpretation, read it, or not - it is always your choice. but I do this in love and respect for all human creatures, as life is a journey, and this is my travel diary.