I want to include you in my quest for life freedom.

there has been so much that has lead me to question what life is about, and as I get closer to my mid-thirties, I question so many of the safe choices I have made in my life.

I want to cut through the noise - and make it so much simpler - to just follow my own voice, and not religiously the status quo safe choices that we have been brought up to believe is the right way to live.

I write this blog so as to talk openly about the challenges I have in life, and to give myself some sense of responsibility, and accountability - the responsibility I have to be true to who I am, and what dreams i want to follow.

it is all 'open for interpretation' this is simply my interpretation of how to develop more freedom in life. I hope readers are able to gain something from reading this. I do this in love and respect for all human creatures, as life is a journey, and this is my travel diary.