Monday, January 3, 2011


It's a new year.

So the world is open to resolutions, self-promises, and hope for a better year this one...

It is also an important reminder of last year. The hope of what could be, the gradual loss of enthusiasm, excuses, and then reasons why it hasn't worked out.

I think the biggest excuse is that life gets in the way - and yes it can - but what are we going to do about it this year.

I must remind myself each day that lofty goals will only remain seemingly unachievable and/or distant if we allow them to stay as a big lofty goal. Any big dream, big goal, total change of life will begin with just one tiny little step in the right direction.

One tiny step... just 5 minutes of your time today... and another 5 minutes tomorrow, and another 5 minutes every day after that.

You can't seriously tell yourself that you don't even have 5 minutes every day to take one tiny step in the right direction - 5 minutes of less advertisements on television will not kill you - but continuing to watch them, and do nothing about that internal desire to change your life, will.

And I don't want to hear that you haven't made up your mind yet what it is that you want to do. That is just procrastination. Spend your 5 minutes feeling the burning desire for more, and let it take shape. Turn it into what feelings you want to have in your life, and pursue bringing those feelings more and more into your daily life. Explore. The excitement of simply trying new things will develop a need to feel life.

I heard spoken last night, that 'I'd rather be dead than bored'. A wake-up call.

The boredom I face daily, the torture of feeling that you're stuck in an unchangeable situation - just a mental block, never a physical one.

this is the year that all this changed.