Tuesday, February 8, 2011

an artist must concentrate on making art

time seems superfluous, but endless in procrastination

really is it procrastination, of course another excuse is just busyness...

such a multitude of days has past, and everyday the same motivation is there, but the 'ability' to do something about it hasn't changed. Fear still has control.

will it win out in the end, and what is the fear of. My high expectations of myself make me a hard worker in all employment situations, but the job is already there, and the expectations being met - so why rock the boat and do something else more risky in failure.

I read somewhere last week, that the worst thing we can do to ourselves is to get a job - because we become institutionalised, and also reliant on the income - even though when in a job our capacity to earn is reduced dramatically than when we work for ourselves doing something we are passionate about.

I don't want to be institutionalised, but yet I am dependent on my job to keep me going financially

but then i question this assumption!!!

I just have to take the risk of losing more to gain more, or I'll still be in this position in one month, one year, one decade...