Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Year in Review...

This title may seem to have so many meanings. You might think I'm referring to the company I work for, but it is not my intention anymore to think about or focus on the place I don't want to be.

In 18 days we begin another year - a new chance to turn things around.

Looking back, I haven't achieved the things I wanted to in the last year. I've been dealing with my frustration and anger at myself for not being where I want to be, but I now have to force myself to move ahead, and focus on what I can do in the next year.

Or even what I can do now.

I have a preset mind-set that this time of year nothing can be changed or achieved because 'i just have to get through Christmas and new years, then do something about it'. But no more.

Every f'n day I can do something to push my life in the direction I want it to go to, it is in my control, and only in my control.

I can write the book I want to write now. I can start the website I want to start now. I can make the changes I want to make now. Life isn't on hold over Christmas.