Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The day before me.

Interesting post from Chris Guillebeau (look him up, I'm yet able to work out how to add a link on Blogger for iPhone), about the day stretching before you, and the passing of time.

I am super aware of it when away on vacation or even on an RDO, when I have a whole day to fill, it passes so quickly. And I don't always feel I have achieved anything that will significantly move me forward...

Now as we count down the last few days of our holiday in Bali, and the dread of going back to work creeps in, I feel even more aware of how much I wanted to achieve with my free time, and how little I have achieved... Competing priorities are now at war, time for last few hours of doing very little and relaxing, or time for maximum outputs and efforts to working on the project that will hopefully free me for the life I really want. Is there really any question as to what the choice should be??

This has always been one of my faults, putting today's comfort before my ultimate goals.... Too often my self esteem takes a nose dive as I make the wrong choices.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The missing Rice Bubble

We've all been taught to snap, crackle & pop... But what do we do when it comes to 'crunch' time?

I can research, I can prepare, I can talk the talk, but I haven't been shown how to have the guts to walk the walk, to take the risks, to be scared and do it anyway (see this is a prime example of talking the talk....).

I still have a week before I gotta go back to work, but I'm haunted by bad dreams of going back to the same old life. I can't face it, and am being reminded nightly of how bad it is...

It's crunch time, I gotta start doing what needs to be done....