Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to become self employed within 3 months.

I wish this was a how to article, because then it would mean that I had the answer to this title.

But I don't.

I was hoping in beginning this, the answer would magically be sent to me by the universe, but it hasn't.

The only thing that comes to mind is that I have to work really really hard. I thought I was already doing this.

But perhaps what I'm missing, is that I'm not working smart.

There are solutions to my problem. Or maybe the more accurate way of putting it is that there are ways to get to where I ultimately want to be, I'm just not thinking about things in the right way yet.

I know I'm still caught up in the thinking that working for yourself is harder, and takes longer to become successful - the old tale told by people who don't want you to take such a giant risk (including myself on a subconscious level).

Its time to think the opposite. I have no choice but to make it work, because it is what I want right now more than anything else.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The winds of change

Is it time to just let go, and say goodbye.

To all the hard work, to the sleepless nights, to the money spent, to the energy invested...

Is it simply time to cut ties, focus on ourselves, and fix up the mess we've made.

It's hard shutting down, but how long will it go on without there being any return. Is this level of stress and anxiety what we really wanted?

I want to feel freedom when working for myself, not the stress of not getting anywhere, and the burden of what is feeling like a bad investment.

But a big opportunity presents itself, and calls us, but do we resist, or sink back in?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What's next?

My hardest answer to find.

Well, actually, my problem is that I have so many answers I can't decide on just one, because I worry I'll make a bad choice...

If I look at my history though, that is pretty much what I've tended to do - but only when I've tried to play it safe, or done what I thought other people wanted me to.

So much is at risk now, our apartment, our credit rating, any kind of security. But also, the risk of getting caught in a job, where I have to work so bloody hard, but still end up totally dissatisfied, because it is not my ultimate choice or dream.

I am so afraid, but cannot possibly keep doing what I'm doing now.

Friday, October 7, 2011

how much time is left

There's only 11 weeks left of this year.

Have you begun to achieve what you set out to do in 2011?

The clock is still ticking, but there is an opportunity to correct a wrong path, with just under three months to go.

What is it gonna take?