Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just another writer

I lost my 'new' notebook yesterday. Somehow managed to leave it on the bus. In realising it however I wasn't overly upset.

My husband said it was sign, to move onto other things, but I think instead, it was a sign that my writing is completely useless if it is in a notebook, because I'll never find the time to type them up and let them go live online, or I will never write them up as my e-book that will help release me from the working life I'm so unhappy in.

I need to do my writing/journaling, it's my way of processing, but I'm less inclined to bitch and moan if I do it blog style...

I have to do something big in my life this year - I deserve it. I have to take big risks this year - I deserve it. And I can no longer set myself up to be the victim in life. I've got to fucking stand up and take charge.

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