Monday, April 23, 2012

Finding the real 'Why'

I've discovered the element that has kept me from feeling (& if I'm honest with myself, it has kept me from being) successful in my current line of work.

It has also prevented me from being motivated to work toward the career I want to be in.

I've been missing the element of 'why' I do what I do. There's been no reason behind my efforts, other than 'I need to earn money'.

And yes, I do need to earn money, but it's not something I find motivating for me to make significant effort to do an awesome job. There needs to be reason 'why' that resonates with my personal values.

Why do I want to be a writer/philosopher/adventurer? Other than to have freedom from 9-5? Other than wanting to work independently? Other than not wanting to feel suffocated by an employer?

I clearly know why i don't want what I have now... But what is my motivation for my dream?

I want to do what I want to do because I want to contribute to freeing humankind from the factory mentality we have caused ourselves to develop. I want to encourage and celebrate creativity, diversity, and our own individual uniqueness. I want to bring back (reinvigorate) the time when 'the artist' was revered as genius.

'why'? Because there is a genius in each of us...

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