Monday, April 9, 2012

when distracted by a hard decision

we are at serious risk of losing the roof over our head. So we are at a point of having to make a really hard decision - do we stay and risk losing everything, or do we move, and risk losing focus on the things that are really important to us.

I guess when it comes down to it, we need to make a decision that leads us towards our best long term solution, and movement toward our ultimate goal of overseas travel, and financial freedom. and financial freedom means taking control of our debt, taking responsibility for our debt, and focusing on paying it off as soon as possible.

There are 2 ways to do this, reduce our outgoings, and increase our incomings.

I find reducing our outgoings the easy part. I struggle with increasing out incomings, because I have never had to really deal with it before...

so i'm distracted by putting energy into earning more money instead of working on my long term career goals to give me the freedom I want to travel the world. I need to work on finding the balance to achieve both during this time of confusion, so that i achieve all the really important things in my life.

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