Sunday, May 8, 2011

under no illusion

sometimes the actual reality of a situation is the hardest thing to face.

The world is filled with illusions. The reality of what a product is, where it's manufactured, how bad it is for you, the fake-ness of it's status position - all an illusion created by marketing, and successful brand positioning.

But if we believe it enough, the illusion is our reality. And we make it real by living it.

This goes for belief in a product and how it 'changes' us if we own it; and most importantly how we 'market' our own stories to ourselves.

This can go both ways - in the lies we tell ourselves so we don't have to face our reality (fears), or in how we can alter our reality by changing the stories we tell ourselves, so we can face our fears.

Is it therefore possible to change your situation by selling your story in the most positive light to yourself? Or would this just be creating more illusion?

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