Wednesday, May 4, 2011

climb every mountain

Some things can seem impossible. But then we read about someone else doing it, and it apparently it's plausible.
We don't think we could ever lose those 20 kgs we need to - and then we see someone else eating healthy & doing exercise everyday.
We could never leave our job, and start our own business - it would be crazy and irresponsible - and then we meet someone else who has built an empire from scratch.
We could never fit everything into the day that we want to do - it would be way too much work, exhausting - and then we watch someone transform their life by putting in the time and energy.
The mountains can be transformed into molehills if we make the choice to view them that way.
Nothing is impossible if you focus only on what you can do now, and taking that next step (no matter how small) on your way to the top - really, how else do you think they summited Everest?

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