Friday, June 10, 2011

self-reliance realised...

I have to be honest.  Unfortunately, I've found the actual writing part of the Trust30, 30 day writing challenge kinda tedious.

Hence why I haven't kept up with it...

I think it is a good idea in concept - but for me it is just going over (&over) things I already know, and have already become conscious of.

Reading Emerson, has definitely been insightful, and I enjoy his writing flow, but the suggested exercises, have left me a little uninspired. I kinda feel like I shouldn't be spending my time writing answered to their questions, but instead forging my own path, thinking for myself. 

So, this where I leave the Trust30 challenge - none the worse off for having attempted participation, but much better off for utilising the time for something that inspires me more.

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