Wednesday, June 1, 2011

15 minutes to live

does it all just come down to this
it is hard to believe, as i close my eyes that there won't be anything else. but god? heaven i don't believe despite a catholic upbringing, that there really is anything else other than what we have here on earth.
so what does that make me in death. nothing?
is it really possible that life is all there is? of course it is, but that shouldn't mean that death is something to fear, unless of course it has been life that you've feared.
if I had children, in my last 15 minutes I might tell them to be strong, and to know that i'll always love them. if...
if i had someone close to me that might listen, i would tell them not to fear life, but to live it, for i haven't to the best of my ability.
don't do anything unless it is something that will make you happy, don't do things because you feel obliged to, don't live someone else's life, live your own.
but then some do's -  do love unabashedly and shamelessly, without fear, because it is the only true emotion and the only way to freedom, is to just love your life, and believe that no matter what you will always be okay.
there is nothing that can bring you down except for your interpretation of your circumstances. create the interpretation that you want to. don't see everything as pessimistic, there is opportunity in all circumstances - 'good' or 'bad'.

the labels we have always given things - our whole lives through are completely meaningless in the end. don't believe those who teach you these labels, or give you these labels.
the only thing that is real is now.
i could muse over all the mistakes that i've made, but instead i'm going to take this moment to learn from them. take the lessons to the next life, not take with me the regret i've sometimes felt in life.
regret can be a powerful thing, if it instigates and creates change, but a horrible thing to carry with you. learn from the mistakes you've made, and don't ever repeat them again.
i want to begin my next life with the refreshment of awareness, but perhaps this isn't possible.

life is seeing the sun rise on a beautiful clear morning, with the cool sand between my toes, the fresh sea air in my nose, and the warm sun on my face. i love you xxx

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