Friday, June 3, 2011

One strong belief

Article 1: Universal Declaration of Human Rights: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. (They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.)

I don't believe in revenge. (a strong belief in itself)

Maybe it is because I haven't ever been put into such a situation of extreme anger, and desire for retribution...

but I believe it is because I don't think anyone can ever ever truly understand the real reasons that someone might do something that is viewed as 'bad'.

I know that I seriously put myself up for attack when I say, that even the most crazed of evil killers is born an innocent child, has a mother who loves them, a sweetheart that see something beautiful in them, a family who look up to them, and friends who care deeply for them.

Just as in the reverse, people who are considered 'pure' and 'godly' by some, are feared as evil by others.

I'm driven to defend this view point - and would passionately if challenged, because as human beings we are all born equal, and it is the circumstances, and environment, that we are brought up in that changes and shapes us into who we become as adults.  The way we each independently (or not so much when exposed to media etc) choose to form opinions, and judgements about another person, are simply based on our own interpretations of the information that is put in front of us. We all make a conscious or unconscious choice how to see the people and personalities around us, and how to act & react to them - based purely on our own experiences of life. It is a universal human fault.

Everyone's interpretation is based purely on their own story, or the story that has been told to them. We are all in the same situation. We all have a choice how to view the world, and the human beings in it.

We are all human beings, born free and equal in dignity and rights.

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