Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A brand new day

Yes, today was a brand new day, a new start, a new job position. But yet, I feel like I have gone backwards a number of months, and am back where I was in a world of frustration over 'work'.

A promotion might mean more money, but it also means a whole new level of extra work, extra frustration, and still having to put up with the same issues you thought you might have left behind in your old job...

Well, here I am again. Wanting a job closer to home, wanting a job in a different industry, wanting to make money easily so I can spend as much time as I want working on what I know matters most, the long journey to follow my dreams.

Now, the complaining comes thick and fast, the frustration is instant, and the self 'hatred' (quite a severe word I know)* impending. Where to from here?

I'm looking for a miracle, or perhaps, I should be working on a miracle, because I can't be doing more of the same old. This is my limit. I know I will disappoint and upset a number of people who have their 'hopes' pinned on me. But I don't feel I have a responsibility to them - I have a responsibility to myself and my life and my husband. That is where the truth lies.

*to those I love, I don't 'hate' myself, but I'm not happy that I have let myself end up in the same situation again - something has to change, and that something is me.

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