Friday, August 19, 2011

Leap of faith

I feel I've taken a giant step forward today.

I feel focused on what I should be focusing on. I feel confident I will build the successful business I want. And I feel assured that I deserve it.

The only thing I've done differently today? Amongst all the chaos and potential stress of my day job, I stayed present, with the whirring world around me. I stayed grounded in the moment, and gave up my bad habit of yearning for the future, and my frustration at not yet being there. Instead I found happiness and an 'openness' (unable to think of a better word to describe the feeling), and a definite sense of knowing that all I want is mine already.

I don't need to make the hard climb into the future, as I am already moving into it with every cell of my body, and every molecule of energy.

It takes a leap of faith to let go of the need to anxiously work and struggle with desire and need for the future, filled with the pain and frustration of not having it now. But in letting go of the 'ego' driven 'I want it NOW', life becomes endless in it's possibility, and open to all that is presented.

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