Sunday, March 18, 2012

re-think the goal

I've been challenged, and have discovered I am focusing on the wrong thing in my quest for career fulfillment.

My drive has been all about money -and the need to earn more, so that we can have the freedom we want. So in every search, the focus hasn't been on 'what', but on 'how much'.... no wonder, I've had no success in getting anywhere.

So, what do I really want in my new job, so that I feel I am contributing to society, having an impact on individuals, and improving the business I work for?
*I want to help people realise and live their dreams.
*I want to create beautiful things, that inspire others to be creative.
*I want to challenge social norms, hierarchies, and fears.
*I want to show the people I love, that it is possible to live the life that you want, by doing it myself.
*I want to meet interesting people all over the world, and learn their languages, discover their cultures, and explore their countries - so as to develop a knowledge and understanding of who they are that bridges the gap between societies, and cultures, eliminating prejudices, and persecution.

Quite the big dream... 

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