Monday, March 28, 2011

Say that again?

I realise that it isn't the first time I've written about 5 minutes a day to change your life, yes yesterday I did repeat myself somewhat, and have therefore learnt a valuable lesson in keeping track of my blog topics...
It has led me to question though, if I read this lesson before, why did it have no actual impact the first time, or what was different this time?
Also I question, how many times do we have to hear, or read potential life changing information before it actually changes our life? For me, this particular lesson took me twice for it to have impact - plus my constant reminding myself daily... But so many other books I have read that should have had a significant change, but nothing... Other than the anxiety caused by still feeling like I'm just not capable of change &/or success.
I think perhaps this time it has more to do with the fact that I've just had enough. Enough of doing the same old job everyday, and getting nowhere. I've made another fundamental error of changing jobs again, but going back to doing the same thing I've done before, thinking this time it will be different. But it's not, it never will be until I choose another way completely.

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