Sunday, March 27, 2011

A new day

This morning I woke with a new sense of purpose. Earth Hour last night gave me the opportunity to spend 60 minutes reading instead of numbing my mind in front of the tv.

Thanks to Hugh Macleod & his latest book 'Evil Plans' I really feel the inspiration to be who I am and begin to forge a path for myself. I have no quotes, just my interpretation of the first part of his book (available on Kindle only in Australia, until June) which has me committed to creating the change I so desperately need - 5 minutes a day working on our dreams is more effective than 2 hours one day a week. And this is so true, because it will keep my dream practiced and continually refined and improved if I just spend a little bit of time everyday working toward significant change in my career. 

So now, this is my first attempt at instigating the change. Talking to you in my real voice, taking a photo of my real life, and not only telling you, but showing you from my soul what I want to do. 

I have deep inside me the desire to be a writer, and a photographer, but not in the path of others. I have no training, I have no subject of intense passion to discuss, just me and my philosophy.

There are things that I'm good at, which is always what I am led to believe must be my path. And there is what I have always done, the jobs I've fallen into, by choice, and by force of circumstance - the need to earn cash...

But still the burning desire to do more - which must be clearly differentiated from the status quo notion of the desire to have more. I have  fundamentally all that I could ever need to have, I am being all that I'll fundamentally need to be, but I do not do all that I want to do, the position of which is dominated by fear.

So I wish to make it easier for me to do all that I wish to do, by focusing on a minuscule amount of time a day to change my behavior, and build a dream with regular effort, knowing that it is all in pursuit of the greater motivation.

My commitment to myself, as I don't think anyone even reads this blog yet, is to take one photo every day, and to write a minimum of 100 words a day - just 5 minutes of my time...

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