Wednesday, March 30, 2011

just nod in my direction

I give you permission to do whatever it is that will set your heart on fire!

Not that you need my permission - and that is my point...

I know myself that I have from a very young age sought somebody's permission before I did anything that wasn't in the 'guide book', because I didn't want to get into trouble, or be a 'naughty girl'. This has had a massive impact on my life, because I have been controlled by my 'need' to conform to rules, policies, procedures, laws - a perfect citizen who will not challenge the 'powers that be'.

From a very young age we are taught to conform - school, church on Sunday, sports teams, etc. Institutionalization is such a fundamental part of our society, that it isn't questioned - it is just assumed that it is the way it has always been, so it must be what is best for us.

If you haven't read Seth Godin's Linchpin, then you must, as it is a point he discusses with great influence as to our responsibility to now step up and challenge this status quo.

I have begun to feel with such passion as to how much this resonates with me, and it has been the fire up my rear that has finally started me working on the things that I really want.

What I want and nobody else, because it's my responsibility to create for myself a life that brings me joy, and nobody but myself can give me permission to do so.

And this applies to you too...

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