Sunday, April 3, 2011

I didn't do it

Why do the young never take responsibility for their actions?

Actually there is a huge number of people who don't want to take responsibility, regardless of age or station - and the reason I say this is because if they did then they wouldn't be in the unhappy positions they currently are in.

As a manager of people, I have many many many examples of how easily people find it to never take responsibility, initiative, or really anything that requires them to think for themselves. Reason being, because it is so much easier for them to have someone - anyone - tell them what to do, therefore, if they get it wrong, it is someone else's fault.

But who is really to blame? We could whinge and complain about the fabric of society and how if we step outside the box our boss, teacher, parent, partner would 'reprimand' us. We fear that people would think badly of us if we challenge or question what is accepted as norm.

I think that we have a responsibility to challenge, question, and avoid status quo thinking. This is where we can have the fastest growth, the most amazing success, and life time of fulfillment that we never imagined we could have.

(Sorry to my readers, I've been having trouble with my email posting, and only just realised that the past few days of entries haven't been published)

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