Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 7: Fire Up

What is your call to action?

Is it a particular song, or chapter in a book? Is it the thought of going to work tomorrow, beginning another week of 'same-old'?

Or do you have to wait until the pain caused by the desire for change, finally exceeds the pain of taking the risk to change?

Some days I feel like I'm there, I'm ready. It's these days I have to make the most of. Until they become the dominant way of life for me.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 5: possibilities

It's happening already.

My focus is on the new possibilities I'm creating in my life, and my enthusiasm is uncontainable. I'm so excited about the prospect of finally developing freedom in my life.

I want to help others feel it too.

I'm considering what my life legacy will be, and I keep coming back to my family. I want them to understand that they are able to have freedom from the grind, and that there are plausible ways of making it happen.

I'm more determined than ever to work it out for my life, so I can be an example for my loved ones.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 3: decision time

I want to be an author.

I also want to be an actor, and a world traveller.... But right now I feel my energy being pulled toward writing.

This is quite exciting for me because for so long I've just felt lost, but I feel a clear direction now.

I have a wonderful opportunity to have the life that I want - which is to be able to nurture all my passions at the same time, working on different things everyday, and feeling excited and interested in everything that I'm doing.

When I now stop and think, 'i just need the money to do it', I feel the little voice inside me say 'it's for those people who are brave enough to give up everything to pursue their dreams, that the universe puts in place all that they need so they cannot fail'...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2: Escape Plan

today I choose freedom. I'm not going to stay within the boundaries of my usual self, i'm breaking 'the rules' and taking bolder steps to set myself up for where i am going, not where I've been

have re-focused my energy from what I want to escape 'from', to what I want to escape 'to'...

as i update, my never updated profile on LinkedIn, I question - what do I put in the heading description for myself?? I immediately type in 'retail professional' but realise that is bloody crazy - it's absolutely not my future...

'entreprenuer' has become a little trite in my world - want to go something larger like 'change agent' but don't like the ego behind it. 

Perhaps something more honest like 'escape artist' is necessary at this point, but I want to help encourage others on the path that i'm on.

'freedom seeker' too political...

'adventurer' is closer to my heart - as i feel right now i seek to absorb myself in the adventure of freedom.  an adventurer faces fear to chase their dream, and that is what i'm doing now.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1: Get me outa here

Okay, so I know that focusing on how much you 'hate' something is not the way to find a way out - but I do feel a certain sense of urgency to leave my current toxic work situation. ASAP...

So what have I done today to do just that, well, I've emailed a friend to ask about temp jobs, and I received a delivery of books I ordered from the 'largest river in the world', and have been distracted by my desire to sink my teeth into them since.

I will not go to bed tonight until i have done something more forceful to move me to freedom.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

falling short

it's been a year since i first read 4 hour work week, and again, I disappoint myself, by getting so easily distracted by my life, and the daily frustrations of where i'm at.

i get even more frustrated by the universe telling me "to get the job you'll really love, you have to love the job you already have". I HATE my job, and the personal pressures, and the underlying b*tchiness everyday, and the feeling of failure i have from not being able to cope with it all.  I don't want to be there, and nothing will change that. I don't want to have to manage others performance, and be responsible for their results, because at the end of the day, i want to just be in control of myself - and i don't feel like i am.

I try to make decisions that will push me forward to where i want to be, but i just feel like i'm lagging behind and getting no-where.  i have so far to go.

i keep falling short of where i want to be, and this year has been another prime example. but what do i do now?  i'm in an even worse financial situation than before, and so completely reliant on my job to get by.  but i can't do it anymore, and i can't waste energy finding another job. i've had it with being employed - i want to be engaged by my work, and passionate - but with age i'm losing all sense of what that is anymore.

tim ferris, i'm taking a chance on you this time around. i'm going to follow your advice with faith, and belief in the stories i've read of others having similar success, and getting to where they want to be quickly.

in four weeks time i will be in a different place (and i don't just mean in another country on a holiday...)