Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2: Escape Plan

today I choose freedom. I'm not going to stay within the boundaries of my usual self, i'm breaking 'the rules' and taking bolder steps to set myself up for where i am going, not where I've been

have re-focused my energy from what I want to escape 'from', to what I want to escape 'to'...

as i update, my never updated profile on LinkedIn, I question - what do I put in the heading description for myself?? I immediately type in 'retail professional' but realise that is bloody crazy - it's absolutely not my future...

'entreprenuer' has become a little trite in my world - want to go something larger like 'change agent' but don't like the ego behind it. 

Perhaps something more honest like 'escape artist' is necessary at this point, but I want to help encourage others on the path that i'm on.

'freedom seeker' too political...

'adventurer' is closer to my heart - as i feel right now i seek to absorb myself in the adventure of freedom.  an adventurer faces fear to chase their dream, and that is what i'm doing now.

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