Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the boogie man

always, when seemingly most sure as to what I am most passionate to pursue, in the new morning, fear disguised as every or any negative feeling my demon can imaginatively create - jealousy, anger, frustration, boredom, confusion, self-doubt - comes charging to the forefront of my psyche to 'scare' me into retreat, to put me back in my box, to seal the lid and keep me locked up in my struggle forever.

The fear has kept me from really achieving anything I've wanted in my life - it's grip is strong, it's strength grounded in an overactive mind, constantly creating distractions, delusions, distress - anything that will keep me from putting energy into what I really need/want to be focusing on.

But, awareness and self-knowledge is 80% of the solution to beating the fear, and after spending the whole day feeling no determination, instead anxiety & self-hatred, more than ever I must focus on pushing through this barrier.

Fear breaks down all passion for our dreams. It is fear that squashes our hope. But by realising that fear will always be there, unchanging whether we pursue our goals or not, ALWAYS there in happiness or despair, we can then make a choice.

Do you experience fear in a fulfilled, exciting life, or feel fear in a compromised life? Anyone who has an excuse for never pursuing their dreams has settled for the latter.

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