Monday, April 4, 2011

A virtue?


Or just unrelenting belief, is something I really need at the moment.

Funny, but I remember as a kid, when having to describe myself in a school assignment, the word 'patient' would almost always be there, alongside 'kind', 'trustworthy', and 'friendly'. But I think it was one of the things that I just wanted to be, because quite frankly 'patience' is not one of my virtues.

I'm impatient with other's stupidity, hate it when people are late, and just want it to be the end of the day or week so that I can go home and do something, anything, other than my job.

I'm also extremely impatient with life. I want to do so much more, but am waiting to be given the opportunity, and am waiting for muse to give me incredible life changing inspiration.

I know my personality type has a desire to feel extremes, so I expect so much more than what I feel everyday. But perhaps this is it.

I need to be patient, and have belief in the tiny snowballing changes I'm able to create every day.

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