Sunday, April 17, 2011

spagetti shoelaces

Humans have such a propensity for complicating things that don't need to be complicated.

We spend hours, days, weeks, months, researching, reading, 'Google-ing' the best method to do the things we really want to be doing - but it's so much easier than that. Instead of using our valuable time to find out the theory behind the practise - why not just practise? and practise, and practise - that could in fact give you the edge over the educated.

Discovering our own best ways to do things, by making mistakes, by having successes, will give us something more valuable than anything you can learn online - it's gives you experience, life experience.

Why do we spend so much time trying to avoid making errors, by trying to learn everything first? and essentially complicating some of the potentially easiest things in life.

Now I'm not completely against preparation, or education - but I do believe that these things need to be in proportion to practising the desired skill/knowledge/dream. Without action, learning is simply unapplied knowledge - apply it immediately, whilst learning and your skills will develop at a much faster pace than those who spend time in endless 'preparation for a day when' they will apply the newly acquired skills.

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