Friday, April 15, 2011

where there's a will...

Inspiration to action. Is it the missing ingredient in your seven herbs and spices?

Perhaps, despite the desire for change, life is still comfortable. You get a pay check every month, bills are paid, you only have to be at work until 5 or 6 every night, then you get to go home and 'relax'. Your husband or wife is there to greet you, there's little pressure, weekends are free to be bored and do housework, no one expects much, because things are comfortable.

But still that feeling is there, at the back of your thoughts, just quietly knawing away, letting you know that things aren't okay, you won't be able to fake satisfaction for your whole life.

Or will you?

When will you feel the inspiration to action? To be so inspired you'll willingly change your whole life in the search for genuine happiness and fulfillment.

Funny enough you don't have to wait for a major life changing event to get your call to action. Inspire it in yourself.

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