Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ebony and ivory

after what is typically a religious weekend, having spent no time at all on dogmatic beliefs, I'm prompted to reflect on my childhood religious education, and the effect it has had on my adult life.

most significantly a 'heaven and hell' belief system has me challenged, on a frequent basis, to not see the world in 'good or evil', 'black or white'.

There really isn't anything in this world (and I'm sure many people would challenge this) that is all of one or the other.

Our personal perceptions will always thwart our opinions, but we will never know the truth about the motivations behind someone's actions - so everything in reality is shades of grey.

For myself, it is also about how I view my own performance - cataloguing myself into total failure or complete success. Being my harshest critic, and my greatest support at the same time...

So really, this motivates me to try to find balance in how I perceive things. Also, to double check my expectations, of myself & others.

We are after all, only human.

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