Thursday, April 14, 2011

hitting a bulls-eye

Part of becoming a good salesperson is recognizing that every person that walks in the door is an opportunity. An opportunity to win a customer, make a sale, and earn a commission.

But really, this philosophy can be applied to all parts of life. Every moment is an opportunity to do something different, make a change, take a chance, and do that thing you've always wanted to do...

Putting it into perspective, you can watch another 10, 20, 30 minutes of mind numbing tv, or you can take that time to begin putting your dreams down on paper, and creating a plan for your future.

What I'm really trying to say is that it isn't as hard, or as unattainable as we might think. The silly thing is that it is in fact as easy as simply deciding to do it, then just taking the required steps until its done. The only thing holding you back is you. Nothing else - just you.

The opportunity is yours to take... always.

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