Tuesday, April 19, 2011

bulldozers & pig-heads

With an awakened determination I found my inspiration to action.

The horrific thought of being in this same place in another year, or even six months, has lit a fire up my rear like I've never felt before.

I cannot take the same excuses from myself anymore. I cannot keep wasting time doing nothing. I cannot accept this mediocre existence. I have plans for my life, and I'm not putting them off anymore.

It is my number one priority to change my life this year, and to make significant headway in getting closer to what I really want to do in my life.

I am determined like I've never felt determined before, and I will make it happen. Passion envelopes me. I must narrow my focus to putting energy into what really matters, and let the rest pass by.

Focused energy, passion, determination.

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