Friday, April 22, 2011

internal combustion

today I'm motivated to question what it is inside human nature that causes us to have self destructive tendencies.

To see someone make such huge improvements in their life, but then at the first opportunity risk destroying it all by doing something stupid. Especially when that something stupid is so easily preventible, and it takes very little effort to do the right thing.

In witnessing someone else's behaviour, and in seeing the effect it has, not just potentially in their career, but in their emotional and mental state as they come to terms with their 'stupidity', it leads me to reflect on how I might have similar tendencies in my life, and try to determine where I might need to pay attention to self-destructive motivations.

It may not be obvious in your own life but all humans have this within them, preventing us from operating at our highest capabilities. If the reward for developing greater awareness is having less self-initiated 'breakdowns', then its worth the time invested.

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